Google is Planning to run ZOOM on Multiple Platform Including Zoom Meetings

After COVID-19 meeting apps like Zoom and Meet have made a record in downloading apps’ top list. With this, there are several options seen in the Meeting Industry. Besides, Zoom Cloud Meeting the apps like Google Meet are also on the list of top meeting apps. So, here recently, Google has announced running Meet App on multiple platforms including the Zoom Meeting App.
It means that the now Zoom Rooms and Google Meet devices will be able to join Google meetings easily. It’s just like accessing the same email address from Gmail and Microsoft Outlook.
Google Meet & Zoom Meetings on Multiple Platforms
Now, Zoom Rooms and Google Meet will be get accessed from the same device at a time. In clear, the Zoom Room and Google Meet devices will both be able to join the Google Meet Meetings directly by entering the passcode/ access code.
So, you can have a new feature to join the Zoom Meeting from the Google Meet app by entering the room code/ access code and vice-versa. That’s easy for the user to get access to attain Zoom Meeting from the Google Meet app too.
As per the information published, all Chrome OS devices will be available to run the Zoom Interop and Google Meet will Google Interop.
Features of Google Meet
It’s one of the fancy meeting apps to feature the online seminar/ webinar. Like the Zoom Meetings app, it’s one of the finest cloud meeting apps to offer several features.
Here we can have access to create or join the group. An online class will be easy with its educational tools used to record the live seminar.
How to Join Meeting Via Google Meet
If you are a Google Meet user and want to join the meeting of Zoom then it can be possible for you. With the upcoming features of Google Meet, you can easily join the live meeting via Zoom.
Here’s how you can join the Live Zoom Meeting with Google Meet.
- Get the Access code of particular Zoom Meetings or Join Link.
- Open your Google Meet App installed on your Phone.
- Now tap on the Join Meeting from the home page option.
- As with other normal meeting codes on Google Meet enter the Joining details there.
- After filling out the access details tap on Join Meeting.
- Finally Done.
So, it’s will be simple to join any meeting using Google Meet. Similarly, as like on Google Meet you can also take the help of the Zoom Meeting app to join the Google Meet class easily.
Google Meet Vs Zoom Meeting
Although Zoom Meeting is introduced at first the popularity of Google Meet is also there. Like the ZOOM Meetings app, Google Meet also features powerful features that make your webinar, online class and meetings more effective with handy tools to manipulate your meetings.
The new Google Meet will be more reliable after it’s enabled to roll out with the ZOOM Rooms. After these, all the Android-based poly or Logitech devices will be able to get access to all the premium features with a single license. It means one can get access to the premium features of Google Meet including the Zoom APP.